Communicating research to support the evolution of teaching


We are building this community by:

Working to facilitate dialogue between different professional communities through our lectures and mediated workshops.

Developing partnerships with leading organisations such as CEN (Centre for Educational Neuroscience), Birkbeck College, Goldsmith's College, Aston University, ASCL (Association of School and College Leaders) and The London Knowledge Lab.

Taking the message into schools through free presentations to teachers and talks for students.

Our Aims are:

To highlight the potential of the developing fields of neuroscience, educational psychology and social anthropology (the science of the brain) for improving the quality of education in Britain.

To bring together the findings of neuroscience and the practice of teaching and approaches to learning in ways that allow teachers and academics to develop a deep understanding of the way learning works most effectively.

To bring this understanding to bear on initial teacher education and continuing professional development.