Communicating research to support the evolution of teaching

Lessons from Neuroscience for Music Learning

Professor Lauren Stewart

Professor in Psychology at Goldsmith’s College, University of London

The ability to make sense of musical sound has been observed in every culture since the beginning of recorded history.  In early infancy, it allows us to respond to the sing-song interactions from a primary caregiver and to engage in musical play.  In later life it shapes our social and cultural identities and modulates our affective and emotional states.  In this talk Professor Stewart will discuss how the ability to perceive and make sense of musical sound is remarkably sophisticated, and can, for most people, be acquired simply by being exposed to the music of one’s own culture.  We’ll also explore why some people really don’t ‘get’ music; while others get too much of it, and discuss how some unique aspects of music make it such a powerful therapeutic tool in clinical contexts.

Workshop questions for discussion:

How does the functioning of the brain affect the ability to reason?

What influences our ability to think logically and solve problems successfully?

How do reasoning skills develop?

How can reasoning skills be improved?

What are the implications for teaching approaches?

To what extent are reasoning skills transferable?

8th October 2015

Goldsmiths College
University of London

Workshop Mediator:
Derek Bell
Director of Learnus
Professor of Education, College of Teachers

This was the fourth workshop in a series entitled "understanding Learning - is it all in the brain?